Week 10 Scores Name Time Penalty Total Time Penalty Total Total 1 Justin M. 17.41 4 21.41 20.1 1 21.1 42.51 42.51 2 Colby D. 22.17 4 26.17 20.8 5 25.8 51.97 51.97 3 Steve A. 27.59 4 31.59 22.37 2 24.37 55.96 55.96 4 Mike Z. 31.29 0 31.29 17.9 8 25.9 57.19 57.19 5 Jacob S. 30.32 7 37.32 23.7 7 30.7 68.02 68.02 6 John H. 32.46 9 41.46 26.51 1 27.51 68.97 68.97 7 Paul F. 34.08 1 35.08 26.08 11 37.08 72.16 72.16 8 Jason J. 37.14 9 46.14 20.52 7 27.52 73.66 73.66 9 Ross A. 26.79 10 36.79 43.05 0 43.05 79.84 79.84 10 Chris D. 28.41 18 46.41 29.28 5 34.28 80.69 80.69 11 Marcel K. 36.65 8 44.65 21.05 15 36.05 80.7 80.7 12 Curt T. 23.19 31 54.19 26.66 7 33.66 87.85 87.85 13 Aaron H. 30.83 21 51.83 30.19 18 48.19 100.02 100.02 14 Tom E. 38.32 17 55.32 51.64 18 69.64 124.96 124.96 15 Dylan M. 28.61 39 67.61 30.94 35 65.94 133.55 133.55 16 Maria P. 33.47 45 78.47 30.84 43 73.84 152.31 152.31 17 Darwin A. 55.31 25 80.31 33.21 49 82.21 162.52 162.52
Overall League Scores Rankings were done with the following in mind; participants with 4 or more missing days were not ranked. The worst 3 scores were dropped or if you missed that night, that night’s score was dropped.
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Name Totals Totals Totals Totals Totals Totals Totals Totals Totals Totals Total 1 Justin M. 35.93 32.77 32.84 34.45 29.07 33.06 0 30.33 0 0.00 228.5 2 Colby D. 0 0 33.94 38.07 35.12 0 33.99 36.02 44.57 51.97 273.7 3 Steve A. 51.12 48.22 46.48 52.83 0 50.26 47.64 49.74 0 0.00 346.3 4 Mike Z. 0 0 37.79 58.33 55.98 58.16 39.96 43.88 0 57.19 351.3 5 Wade H. 50.32 0 42.78 0 48.99 55.06 49.48 48.35 60.03 0.00 355 6 Larry W. 53.35 42.24 50.49 50.99 52.18 0 53.06 65.87 0 0.00 368.2 7 Jason J. 61.06 49.53 45.4 0 0 59.24 45.42 50.89 64.16 0.00 375.7 8 Jacob S. 0 48.56 44.3 44.59 59.91 70.17 63.23 59.76 0 0.00 390.5 9 Marcel K. 75.56 53.16 47.43 55.19 0 0 54.1 57.31 0 80.70 423.5 10 John H. 0 66.74 48.86 0 0 54.16 52.64 58.89 76.87 68.97 427.1 11 Paul F. 0 79.18 93.1 89.71 86.53 0 0 70.98 85.36 72.16 577 12 Curt T. 56.53 56.26 60.71 0 91.11 165.5 0 85.01 0 87.85 603 13 Steve W. 0 69.42 73.59 120.4 67.56 127.2 0 87.54 125.4 0.00 671.1 14 Tom E. 116.7 113.4 75.38 0 0 0 84.27 84.69 95.91 124.96 695.4 15 Maria P. 0 100.7 115.1 89.93 108.3 146.2 0 108.2 0 152.3 820.7 16 Damon D. 110.6 105.5 97.77 0 117.5 172.4 116.4 0 173.3 0.00 893.4