Defensive Pistol League 2024: Week 1 Scores & Videos

Defensive Pistol League is every other Tuesday kicking off the season on Tuesday, May 7th. First shots are fired at 6pm and consists of 3 stages of fire each night.

Week 1 Stage 1

2024 DPL Wk 1 Stage 1 (2)
2024 DPL Wk 1 Stage 1 (1)

2024 DPL Wk 1 Stage 1 (3)
DPL 2024 Wk 1 Stage 1 Scores

Week 1 Stage 2

2024 DPL Wk 1 Stage 2 (2)
2024 DPL Wk 1 Stage 2 (4)

DPL 2024 Wk 1 Stage 2 Scores
2024 DPL Wk 1 Stage 2 (5)
2024 DPL Wk 1 Stage 2 (3)
2024 DPL Wk 1 Stage 2 (1)

Week 1 Stage 3

DPL 2024 Wk 1 Stage 3 Scores

Stage 3 was shot on the all steel bay with a shooting box to the left, a shooting box in the center and a shooting box to the right. Shooter must engage the left two steel targets on the shooting rack (painted red) from the left shooting box, move to the center and engage the two sillouhette targets and then move to the right shooting box to engage the two right most steel targets on the shooting rack. Mandatory mag change at some point.