Law Enforcement Permit to Carry a Pistol Law Review

With a steady rise in the number of Permit to Carry holders it is important for Officers to understand the laws surrounding the Permit to Carry and how it affects their investigations of possible offences or their interactions with Permit Holders.  The goal of this lecture is to give Law Enforcement Officers knowledge of State Statutes and regulations pertaining to civilians Permit to Carry.

Marcel Krueger is an instructor at River Valley Arms & Ammo.  He is a Police Officer with over 7 years’ experience in Law Enforcement
His training background has come from a variety of firearms, personal defense, and Use of Force programs. Marcel is a Law Enforcement Instructor in the Use of Deadly Force and Defensive Tactics as well as Police Handgun, Shotgun and Patrol Rifle Firearms Instructor. He is also an Instructor in Police Response to an Active Shooter.

Along with the Law Enforcement training, Marcel is certified from the State of Minnesota to teach the MN Permit to Carry Class requirements.  He has taught MN Permit to Carry Classes for 5 years and has a strong understanding of State Statute and regulations dealing with Permit to Carry.

Law Enforcement Permit to Carry a Pistol Law Review at River Valley Arms & Ammo